Industry Again Unites after Second Devastating Flood
On the afternoon of May 27, 2018, Ellicott City's historic Main Street flooded again after the region got more than eight inches of rain in the span of two hours. Businesses, including numerous bars and restaurants, were heavily damaged. And National Guard member Eddison Hermond Jr. lost his life trying to help people. The town was still recovering from a July 30, 2016, storm that dropped six inches of rain on the community, produced massive flooding, killed two people, and damaged and destroyed businesses and homes.
Maureen Smith, Executive Director of the Ellicott City Partnership (ECP) echoed what many interviewed for this article had said: "This time around has been very different from 2016!" she exclaimed. "With this latest flood event, the Ellicott City community has an understanding that parts of town may need to be envisioned anew to ensure long-term sustainability. The ECP is working closely with all stakeholders, including county, state, and federal entities to significantly increase the resilience of Ellicott City."