At a key moment in "The Shawshank Redemption," Morgan Freeman's good-hearted convict friend, Red, posed the question: "Seriously, how often do you really look at a man's shoes?" Well, anyone who hung around Shane McCarthy in January and February of this year likely looked at his footwear quite a bit. The assistant general manager and beer manager at Ronnie's Beverage Warehouse in Bel Air wore pink boots day in and day out to promote a very special event his store hosted on February 26 to raise money and awareness for the Pink Boots Society.
Some of you reading this may be asking, "What is the Pink Boots Society?" It is an international organization of women that was created to empower female beer professionals to advance their careers in the beer industry, chiefly through education. The organization also seeks to teach women beer professionals the judging skills necessary to become beer judges at the Great American Beer Festival and other competitions. Society members include women who own breweries, who design beers, serve beers, package beers, and write about beer. The group currently has more than 3,000 members and counting.
"I've read a lot about beer history," McCarthy stated, during a late January interview with the Beverage Journal. "Women were actually the main brewers a couple of hundred years ago. A lot of the beer was made by women. That's where the term 'alewife' came from. But, today, it is a male-dominated industry. So, it's really unique that these ladies are trying to change that. They don't want to drink wine. They want to drink beer ... good beer! That really inspired me to reach out and try and raise money to send a woman to brewing school, because the Siebel Institute of Brewing Technology is NOT cheap!"